Thursday 1 March 2012

Give your Speech Twice

When making speeches or presentations it is not enough to merely say the words.  You need to have gestures and vocal variety to spice up your talk.  It effectively means you are sharing your message twice - once with your words and once with your gestures.  Twice as much impact!

"Talking Heads" who read the news on TV seem to get away with using nothing more than their voice to share their story, however they do use some inflection to portray happiness, sadness, tragedy or joy.  Remember, their spots are brief and interspersed with live action shots, camera clips and other aids to reinforce their story.  When you are speaking to a group of people, you might not have access to the same level of media excitement.  Your body needs to do the talking.

Picture yourself in front of a group - if you stand still and talk with no expression, animation or gestures, you will find your audience drifting away.  You can tell - they sit back in their chairs, start pulling out their iphones or their eyes glaze over.  Not a good sign.  You have worked hard to prepare your talk and it is full of important information, otherwise you wouldn't be talking about it.  It would be a shame for your message to not be received and understood by your audience.

Now picture yourself in front of the same group - you are lively, your face is expressive and your gestures are helping to tell the story.  What a difference.  By adding excitement and enthusiasm, your message is more believable and your audience will understand what you have to say.

What could be better!